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training program
Sign up for the Digital Marketing for Cinemas training program today and get 12 months access to over 40 video lessons, checklists and marketing templates!
12 months access to the training portal.
Take the time to learn at your own pace.
Learn together - fee covers 3 accounts.
Best result is achieved together with your colleagues.
100% online training.
Easy to follow video lessons and exercises all in one portal.
Sign up with Paypal for instant access to the training portal!
Secure Order
256BIT – Encryption
7 Days
Money Back Guarantee
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Click the button below to fill in the invoice form.
"Great value - we've really learned so much! Easy to follow and practice with exercises and useful templates."
Exhibitor Sweden
"DMC is a quality training program that includes several layers of a cinema business. Great, detailed and clear training that anyone can understand!"
Exhibitor Sweden
"These difficult times we are in gave us the time to prepare ourselves and the cinema for the future demands of our visitors!"
Exhibitor Sweden
Teckna upp er för Digital Marketing for Cinemas (DMC) onlineutbildning på svenska idag och få 12 månaders tillgång till mer än 40 videolektioner, checklistor, övningar och marknadsföringsmallar!
12 månaders tillgång till utbildningsportalen.
Se videolektioner och lär helt i din egen takt.
Lär er tillsammans - ni får 3 användarkonton.
Lär tillsammans med dina kollegor för bäst resultat.
100% onlineutbildning.
Se videolektioner och ladda ner checklistor, mallar och övningar allt i samma portal.
Registrera dig med paypal för direkt access till utbildningsportalen.
Säker Order
256BIT – Encryption
7 Dagar
Vill du betala med faktura?
Klicka på knappen nedan för att fylla i fakturaformuläret.
"Great value - we've really learned so much! Easy to follow and practice with exercises and useful templates."
Exhibitor Sweden
"DMC är en kvalitetsutbildning som inkluderar flera lager av en biografs affärsverksamhet. Jättebra, detaljerad och tydlig utbildning som alla kan förstå - inte bara de som sysslat med marknadsföring sen innan!"
Exhibitor Sweden
"These difficult times we are in gave us the time to prepare ourselves and the cinema for the future demands of our visitors!"
Exhibitor Sweden
Funding for DMC Finland
Apply for up to 100% fundings from The Finnish Film Foundation.
DMC has been shared with Ilmari Arnkil at the Film Foundation, and support for this training is possible for exhibitors to apply for.
From the website of The Finnish Film Foundation:
”Training support can be granted for the participation of people working in exhibition and distribution, for international training programmes aimed at developing professional skills, and for training events or online courses.”
”Support may be granted in full (100%) for necessary and justified reasons in order to reach stated objectives.”
Learn more and find the application form at the Finnish Film Foundation website (links below):
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